The images in the header are a selection of the images from our 'Creative' competition held on 28th November 2025.
Gold :Wizoned wind turbines by Rupert Stockwin, Leaf by Judith Flacke, and Steampunk android by David Shaw. Sliver : Rain man by Bob Jinks. Bronze: The Silver Roses by Geoffrey Desmond. Judge: Andy Francis
If you live in North Devon and enjoy photography, why not take it further by joining a friendly group of fellow enthusiasts. More information at the bottom of this page, or Contact Us here.
Our recent (January / February 2025) Newsletter is available - Click on 'Posts' to find it
Our next Talk: 11th February 2025
“My Vision - My Practice” by Ruth Grindrod (by Zoom)
A masterclass in landscape photography. This presentation considers elements of theory and her practice in landscape photography and shows a range of her work in colour and black and white. The talk will focus on how she achieves her style of photography and will feature many new photos and how she shot and processed them.
At Blue Lights Hall, Appledore, EX39 1QU
Meetings start at 7:30pm .
Winter / Spring Programme
- 4th Feb : Members Night
- 11th Feb : Talk - My Vision – My Practice by Ruth Grindrod (Zoom)
- 18th Feb : Members Night
- 25th Feb : Practical (tba)
- 4th Mar : Members Night
- 11th Mar : Competition - "Urban" (pdi). Judge : Martin Patten
- 18th Mar : Members Night
- 25th Mar : Talk - The Wildlife Masterclass by Tesni Ward (Zoom)
- 1st Apr : Members Night
- 8th Apr : Competition - Masters (Print). Judge : Peter Hyett
- 15th Apr : 3B's
- 22nd Apr : Members Night
- 29th Apr : AGM
Competition Submission Dates
[Print Comps. - up to 5 images, Pdi - up to 4 images per member]
- 25th Feb : Urban (Pdi)
- 25th Mar : Masters (Print)
Competition Details
- 28th Jan : Creative
In-camera effects, post processing effects, 'contrived' still life, composites...
- 11th Mar : Urban
Life in towns/cities - people, landscapes, street, architecture, events, activities - any aspect of life in a non-rural community'.
- 8th Apr : Masters
NB Master of Photography is different from all our other Club Judged Competitions.
Members can enter an image for each up to SIX of the following categories:-
Portrait – Studio, street or environmental portrait of a single person.
Land/seascape – Rural, urban, or aquatic image of an area.
Creative – In camera or post processing techniques used to create or change a photo(s) into a creative art image.
Close up/macro – A shot that tightly frames an object, displays detail, but doesn’t include the broader scene or environment or, a shot in which the size of the subject in the photograph is greater than life size.
Architecture – Any building, buildings or other man made structure(s).
Action – Where movement is captured.
Lowlight – Outdoor after sunset or indoor where there is no daylight entering and using only available light.
Nature – Flora, fauna or natural phenomena. May include farm animals though, not pets.
Talks - Details
11th February 2025
“My Vision – My Practice” by Ruth Grindrod (Zoom)
A masterclass in landscape photography. This presentation considers elements of theory and her practice in landscape photography and shows a range of her work in colour and black and white. The talk will focus on how she achieves her style of photography and will feature many new photos and how she shot and processed them.
25th March 2025
“The Wildlife Masterclass” by Tesni Ward (Zoom)
This talk covers some of the most important aspects, tips and tricks for improving your wildlife photography. From finding locations, working in various light conditions, compositional guidelines and why it’s important to find your own style and approach when developing your own portfolio.
Want to make better Photos?
Keen to improve the quality and range of your photography?
Why not come along and join us?
Bideford Camera Club was formed in 1902, but while over 100 years later the basics of photography remain much the same, we now embrace a wide variety of styles and genres of photography.
We are a friendly Group, based in North Devon, with a passion for all kinds of photography. Our members range from relative beginners to relatively experienced photographers.
We firmly believe photography should also be fun, so while some of our members enter external competitions and the group is fully affiliated to The Western Countries Photographic Federation and The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain, others are just as happy to meet up to share and discuss their images on an informal basis.
The image is the important aspect of photography and how you creatively get there, rather than the equipment you use.
So whether you just want to get more out of the camera on your smartphone, or to use a more advanced camera of any type, you will be welcome at the club.
- Varied programme of speakers and photography based activities throughout the year
- Regular group indoor meetings, both social and technical.
- Share images, ideas, hints and tips.
- Friendly photo challenges and opportunities.
- Option to take part in assorted photography competitions with expert feedback and critique
- Any level of photographic skill welcome.
- Digital camera, film camera or mobile phone - if you enjoy taking photographs and making images there will be something in the club for you!
Where and when do we meet
Our location....('Where to Find Us' for full details)
We are easy to find in the centre of Appledore with easy access and parking at the Churchfields long stay car park on the sea front (free after 6:00pm).
Blue Lights Hall, Vernons Lane, Appledore, Devon, EX39 1QU.
How much does it cost?
Come and join us for one of our Evening Meetings to find out what we do.
If you would like to join:
Full membership :-£58.00p per annum.
3 monthTrial Membership :- £15.00p.
Youth Anual Membership :- £25.00p per annum.
If you wish to join, why not contact us now
This will give you access to our weekly meetings up to the AGM in 2025, plus our 2025 summer program of weekly local photo shoots and our other photo excursions.
If you are thinking about joining us, you a welcome to attend 2 meetings before you decide.
For Visitors there is a charge of £3.00p for the meeting.